Mount Carmel High School
Mount Carmel High School is a Christian Mission school under The Carmel Society, Andhra Pradesh which was established and is governed by St Thomas Province of the Order of Carmelites (O.Carm. Fathers) in India. It is also under the jurisdiction of the Diocese of Kurnool, A.P. Mount Carmel High School is an Educational Institution run by the Christian Minority Community. It is managed by the St Thomas Province of the Order of Carmelites [O. Carm. Fathers], India. Mount Carmel School was established in 2001, June 12 under the leadership of Rev Fr Sunny Thuruthippillil O.Carm. It is run by Carmelite fathers, St Thomas Province, India (O. Carm.). The school is located in 1 km away from Kosigi Village. It was started with an objective to uplift the social, cultural and educational needs of the people.